Grab Your Paints and Brushes and Get Ready To Conquer That Mud!
No More Mud - Colour Mixing Workshops I, II & III
Here is what you need to bring on the day.
You will need to bring your lunch, but I will provide morning and afternoon tea. The best paints to use are either acrylics or you can use watercolours, however, acrylics are best.
The List:
Rags /paper towels
A palette for mixing your paints on. You can buy disposable palettes which can be quite good for mixing the colours on.
Medium - Flow medium for Acrylics
A Notebook for - making notes - or you can make notes on the workbook which I will be providing as part of the course.
Something to do your colour mixing exercises on such as, an imitation canvas pad, or watercolour paper - it depends on your medium. I will have some materials on hand. Let me know before the workshop if you are unsure whether or not, what you have is suitable and I will take a look at it for you.
Brushes: 1 small round tip brush and 2 medium brushes i.e. about 1cm wide
Paints - Acrylics are best but you can use watercolours or gouache.
Ultramarine Blue, Pthalo Blue
Cadmium Red (or a vermilion or Scarlet), Alizarin Crimson or Crimson sometimes called Cool Red.
Cadmium Yellow (Must be deep orangey yellow), Lemon Yellow
White, (white gouache if using watercolour) Black
Raw Umber or Burnt Umber, Yellow Oxide ( or Ochre), Burnt Sienna, Viridian
8. If you are unsure you have the right colour, please check with me before the day to make sure you have the correct ones. Some paint companies label their paints incorrectly and to get the right results we need the correct colours. So please make sure to check.
9. A pencil, rubber and ruler
10. You might want to bring a cushion too!
TIME: The workshop is from 8.50am for a 9 am start, until—4 pm. It is a full day so you will need to bring lunch. Morning and afternoon tea are provided.
VENUE: Studio 1—60 Maitland Rd, Springfield
CONTACT DETAILS: Kadira Ph: +61 4144 38121 or email kadirajennings@gmail.com
I look forward to seeing you on the day!