Spontaniety How often do you allow yourself to be spontaneous in your art work? I understand that people often focus on ‘getting things right’, however this can limit our creative edge somewhat. So how do we put this spontaniety into practise?
Allow yourself to explore your medium, attempt do do something you might not have done before. Ask yourself – ‘What Would happen if……. I did this, this or this instead.' Introduce a new element – opposite to what you are currently using. This might be anything from jagged/ squiggly lines to using a different colour or filling in the negative spaces.

Forget about making a mistake or a mess, be courageous and bold, after all – it's only a piece of paper or canvas. What have you got to lose?
Enjoy the Process! Remember it’s about the Journey – not the destination!
Do a creative piece just for fun – no other purpose.
Spontaneity can lead you to new places to explore.