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What Does Christmas Really Mean To Me Now?

Local Honey Stall, with the most delicious honey!

What does Christmas really mean to me now? When we are children Christmas is a time of Wonder and Magic, however, the older we get the less this holds true, unless we make it so.

As an adult what are the things that could make Christmas a time of Wonder and Magic for us? Do you still have wonder and magic in your life? I would have to say that I do, because part of being an artist is being privileged to awaken to the Beauty and Magic of my environment. Being an artist has taught me to appreciate the simple nuances of light being refracted through a water drop on a rose petal, or watching the sparkling lights dance on the water's edge as the waves tumble in.

There is a time when we all discover that Santa isn't real and we stop believing in fairies. Magic leaves our lives and as it does, something special dies a little. How then, can I gain my lost Christmas magic?

I think one of the first ways to regain our Christmas magic is to observe and take Delight in the small things. Driving home from supermarket last night I was delighted to see how many more people have put up lights on their houses this year. I always love it when I see people decorating their houses in this way, because for many of them it is one of their main forms of creative expression, even though they probably wouldn't think of it as such.

When I was driving back from the dentist this week I decided to finally take a detour down a side road where honey was advertised for sale. I have been meaning to check this out for ages but never seem to have time when I'm driving past, however this week was different. The honey was at a little roadside stall, with an honesty box, not something you see very much around here.

A little bit of magic I found this week at the end of a dead end road.

I didn't notice it at first but, when I got in my car to drive away and the car was pointing in the opposite direction, over to my right, to my surprise and delight, there was a beautiful little tree, the one that you see in the picture above, nicely decorated with all kinds of red Christmas ornaments. To me this little tree was sharing the true Spirit of Christmas. The spirit of generosity, giving and trust, combined with offering Beauty in Celebration of the season.

Of course when I saw the decorated tree I had to pull over, get out of my car and go and photograph it, to bring This Magic Moment back and share it with you.

What stories do you have of Christmas magic - I would love you to share in the comments below? Please share your Christmas wonder.... Thank you for taking this creative journey with me. Wishing you all a joyful, magic and memorable Christmas. With love and appreciation Kadira.

NEXT WEEK: A Brand New Year Awaits Us

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