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What's happening at the Hospital Gallery? And What goes on Behind the Scenes?

Writer's picture: KadiraKadira

There is a new exhibition up in the new wing of Gosford Hospital. There are 235 artworks produced by 68 local artists which are now on sale. If you want to support the hospital arts program and the artists, of course, you'll have to come in to see them and order the works you wish to purchase by "panel" and number. The paintings are only $80 each and depict the theme" I love the Central Coast.

Artworks are assembled on panels A to U (there is no "i" panel) and numbered 1 - 12 from top to bottom and left to right.

tumbi umbi, landscapes,20x20 exhibition,kadira jennings
Tumbi Umbi's SOLD!


It is amazing how art can affect peoples lives. I sold this small work today, which is in the Gosford Hospital 20x20 art exhibition. The lady who bought it sent me a message saying, "Please tell Kadira Jennings thank you. Her painting was the refugee my soul needed last night after devastating news and a hard day. I so look forward to bringing it home." What more can an artist ask for than to touch the soul of another? I feel truly humbled to have impacted someone else's life in this way.

gosford hospital, 20x20 exhibition
A selection of the images being exhibited

This is a great chance to purchase some original art work from our talented local artists and perhaps find an early Christmas present or two.

The other thing I would like to mention is the huge amount of work put into what gets an exhibition like this up and running. What goes on the behind the scenes? I would like to say a big thank you to Cath McEwen who deserves a medal for bringing it all together. She has worked tirelessly behind the scenes either allocating or completing the myriad tasks associated with a show of this nature.

20x20 exhibition, gosford hospital,cath mcewen
Cath hard at work preparing the display boards

after inserting the eyelets into the foam core she then had the unenviable task of masking up the boards for the painting placement.

ANd here ione of teh volunteers helping to take registrations and deliveries over the weekend.

Now all the works are stacked up and ready to be mounted on the boards - a massive job as they all had to be screwed in from the back of the boards.

And here is the final result -

What we love about the Central Coast!

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