Hi there,
Welcome to the studio - nice of you to drop by. I have just finished another large flower painting - a cyclamen, this time - although it isn't available for sale yet - only to my collectors. I'm currently working on a new body of landscape paintings using a new palette.

Most of my works begin with some kind of drawing. This is particularly the case for my new series of works where I am melding and morphing photos of the landscapes into a beautiful new whole.
This is a drawing in graphite, for what will be the third painting in this series.

This is the first underlay of paint and contains an added extra that wasn't in the original drawing. The work is called Mare's Leg Cove after the name of this place. You can see in the painting, an unusual rock protrusion jutting out from the end of the headland on the left. It did in fact resemble a horses hind leg and was there for all to see when I visited this place as a young child. It seems there are no photographic records of this however -, well none that I could find on the internet.

Progress 7/2/23
Progress 1/3/23

Progress 10/3/23
The other thing I thought I would have a go at recently was a fox. The fox featured quite prominently in a series of vision walks I have done and I cant recall ever having drawn animals before. So here are the beginnings of that piece.